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Days and times

Monday to Friday

9.30 - 11.30am

Holidays and In Service days are the same as

Laurencekirk Primary School and Mearns Academy.


Age Group

Ages 2 - 5 years

Currently the majority of our children

are aged from 2-3 years old 



Mearns Community Campus - Room GP2

Group Size and Staffing

10-15 children per session

Three members of staff, two Play Practitioners

and a Senior Play Practitioner.



We are Laurencekirk Pre-School Group but children come to us

 from all over The Mearns: Fettercairn, Luthermuir,

Marykirk and other surrounding villages.




Sensory Play


Stimulate our senses - play with sand, foam, rice, gloop, water, compost, bubbles, food-tasting, music, arts and crafts.

Role Play


 Use our imaginations - play in the House Corner, dress up, play with the farm, the town, the dolls' house... and draw and make. 


Literacy & Numeracy


 Listen - enjoy storytime, look at books in the library.

Develop fine motor skills - make marks with crayons and create shapes with playdough.

Make shapes and patterns, measure volumes and count - cut, use building blocks, sing and play in the water and sand bowl.

A typical

day at LPSG!

Outdoor Play


Socialise - race on ride-ons and play games

Stretch legs and imaginations - run, jump, climb and play on the playground equipment.




Walk to the shop - buy our snack, play at shops and talk about nutrition.

Visit the park - play games and use our imaginations.

Walk to the woods - find bugs and footprints and learn about nature.

Visit the train station - learn about transport, work and people.

Meet up with other groups - visit the school, the nursery and other groups and share activities.

9.30 – 10.30

Tidy up (kids too!) for a Group Activity


Team effort - tidy, dance, sing, play games.

• Contribute - parachute fun.

Watch & Listen - puppet stories.

Snack Time


 Choose snack - take responsibility, choose and collect snack and tidy up after.

Learn about nutrition - use ‘Setting the Table’  guidance for nutrition.



End of day fun


 Outdoor play



Group games

Finish with the Tick Tock Song!


11.30 Time to go home


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